As you will have noticed - Asian cuisine is very close to my heart. Asian food is spicy and full of flavor and just no limit to the possibilities in this kitchen. This time I bring you one of my favorite dishes, chicken cubes in sweet and sour sauce. It is the perfect dish for both adults and children. Due to the fact that we first off coat the chicken in tempura, it will then stay nice and juicy and not dry. What’s even more fun about this dish is that it is so easy to make and so delicious that the way the kitchen looks after cooking is completely worth it!
For the Chicken
- 1/2 Kilo Chicken Breast
- 1 Egg Protein
- 1 Tablespoon Flour
- 1 Tablespoon Cornflower
For the Sauce
- 4 Tablespoons Vinegar
- 2 & ½ Full Tablespoons Brown Sugar
- 3 Tablespoons Spicy optional Ketchup
- 1 Teaspoon Sugar
- As Needed Salt
- As Needed Ground Black Pepper
- 2 Tablespoons Sweet Chilli
- 1 Tablespoon Crushed Chili
- Canola Oil
- Cut the chicken breast into cubes thickness of 1.5 to 2 cm.
- In a deep bowl and with a whisk, mix the flour, cornstarch and protein up into a smooth mixture.
- Mix the diced chicken into the batter, cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and marinate for half an hour.
- Heat a small pot with oil.
- Fry the cubes in deep oil until light brown and then place onto paper towels (take note, do not place all the cubes in at once, otherwise they will stick to one another).
- Once all the chicken is ready, we then mix all the sauce ingredients in a bowl apart from the oil and the crushed chicken.
- Heat up 3-4 Tablespoons of oil in a deep large pan. When the oil is hot – include the crushed chili and fry for half a minute until the oil starts to become red.
- Add the sauce from the bowl carefully (the oil could jump) and fry for half a minute until the liquid starts to bubble up.
- Immediately add the chicken pieces and cook, stirring for about a minute and a half or 2, until all the chicken pieces are coated with the sauce.
- Serve over white rice or rice stir-fried with vegetables….
- Enjoy…