Tziflonka Tobakah is a traditional Russian chicken dish – prepared with especially young chickens (Pullets - not spring chickens), is crisp, browned, caramelized and dangerously delicious - and best of all, very easy to prepare!
- 3 weighing 14 oz each Chicken Pullets
- 6-7 Cloves Crushed Garlic
- Per Taste Salt
- Per Taste Ground Black Pepper
- Butter or Margarine is also good! Olive Oil
Special Utensils:
- Large Pan
- A lid for the pan
- Cans rocks, heavy iron Weights
- Divide the Pullet into two halves (so that both halves will contain a wing and thigh)
- Spread and rub the pullet generously with oil or butter and garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides.
- Pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil to the pan while still cold.
- Place the pullets in the dish (stuffed up is ok) with the skin down.
- Cover with a lid that must be smaller than the pan! and place the weights evenly over.
- Place the pan on a very low flame for about 40 minutes. Do not touch or move, just peeking to make sure that nothing has burned. Chicken exudes flavors - and cooking over a low heat ensures great grilling.
- Then open the lid and turn the Pullet very carefully to the other side.
- Cover, place a weight and leave for 25-30 minutes more on the flame. If necessary - extend the cooking time in order to get a beautiful golden/orange color.
- You will receive crisp chicken, browned, caramelized and of course super-delicious!
- It’s ready!
- In Russia, it is customary to serve the Tziflonka with small potatoes, fried with onions and mushrooms.