Boaicos are rich and delicious rolls that came from the Balkans. They are full of good cheese and prepared quickly and easily. It is possible and even recommended to make Boaicos with children who enjoy to mix and prepare the little pastries.
- 3.5 Ounces Butter
- 12.5 Ounces Potato Flour
- Cup - grated on the coarse grater part Kashkaval cheese
- 9 % - 9 Ounces White Cheese
- 9 % - 1 cup Sour cream
It is strongly recommended but not mandatory
- Pitted olives black or green or even both
- Measure all the ingredients, so the all will be ready.
- If you’re going with olives - chop them (it would be about three-quarters of a cup of chopped olives)
Start placing in the mixer (and you can certainly also knead with your hands ...) in the following order:
- Butter with white cheese and cream.
- Kashkaval cheese
- Olives
- Flour
- After the mixture is thick and solidified, Stop the mixer.
- Arrange baking paper in the pan.
- Form small balls with your hands or two spoons and place on pan. Do not put too much in the baking pan, because they spread during baking. Make a few rounds.
- Place in the oven at 350 Fahrenheit for 18 minutes (until the boaicos begin to brown)
- Ready! Anyone who wants to, can freeze the boaicos - they keep themselves pretty well frozen.