After meeting Nigiri – rice patties with an extra on the top – I’m honored to introduce your children to the opposite – Onigiri. Onigiri is basically a rice patty – …
Smoked Salmon
This “Bedouin style” tortilla is used as a first course or a tasty little snack on the side. I like to fill the Bedouin wraps with cream cheese (30% fat). For those who …
Nigiri sushi is the easiest type of sushi to make. Easier than preparing sandwich sushi, easier then preparing regular sushi rolls and is considered prestigious because it looks good and …
Sushi is the most controversial food out there. Some might say that this is much ado about nothing, and some will say it is very tasty. One thing they all agree – …
Going for a picnic and told you to bring a salad? What’s more suitable than potato salad? But the potato salad could be very boring … so here is a …