Green beans is a wonderful addition to any meal. It is healthy, tasty and filling (of course alongside the main course!). Garlic and lemon is a winner with almost every green vegetable. You can of course prepare the recipe with whole green beans and green beans. Enjoy….
- Half a bag - You can buy from any supermarket Green Beans
- 3 Cloves Crushed Garlic
- 1.75 Ounces or butter Butter
- From half a lemon Lemon Juice
- Per Taste Salt
- Per Taste Ground Black Pepper
- Melt the butter in a small saucepan.
- Add the frozen beans and stir.
- Add the crushed garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
- Mix well.
- Close the pan and cook for about 10 minutes until the beans have reached the level of softness you love. (I like it al dente - Some people like it really soft. Its a matter of taste)
- Its ready!
- Recommended to serve at a festive meal alongside a great meat or chicken dish...