Easy Kosher Recipes » Vegetarian » Homemade mashed potatoes

Homemade mashed potatoes

Super Delicious
פירה תוצרת בית

Mashed potatoes is the ultimate addition to every meal. It is rich, satisfying and of course…super-delicious! This puree is easy to prepare and is much tastier and healthier than any other mashed potatoes you can buy due to the fact it’s homemade!
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  • Yellow - 2lb Potatoes
  • 15 % fat 180 ml three quarters of a box Cooking cream
  • 1 oz a quarter of a package Butter
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt


  • Cook the potatoes with the peel in water for half an hour until they have fully softened - that is when you can stick a knife through one end and it goes through the other end without a hassle.
  • Drain and peel the skin carefully (you should try and use a spoon in order to prevent you from getting burnt).
  • Transfer to a large bowl. Begin to crush the potatoes with a “crush”.
  • Add the butter and cream and continue to crush (the butter should melt from the heat of the potato).
  • Add the salt.
  • Continue to crush to get a unified and delicious mashed potatoes dish.
  • It’s ready….simple as that…now enjoy!

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