White rice with "Tamago" (Japanese omelette) is a great addition to any meal, whether serving Chinese food or Japanese food - or any other meal. The Japanese omelet is slightly sweet and dark - and white rice with the addition of onions just tops it all off for one great dish!
- Link to follow Ready Rice
- 2 Eggs
- Three quarters of a teaspoon Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon Soya
- 1 Spoon you can also use butter Canola Oil
- Fresh stalk Green Onions
- Prepare the rice according to the recipe.
While the rice is cooking prepare the omelet:
- Beat the egg with soy sauce and sugar until everything is united.
- Heat a pan with oil or butter.
- When hot - pour in the egg mixture.
- While frying, stir with a wooden spoon nonstop for scrambled eggs.
- When the egg is ready - remove from heat.
- Continue to whisk away with a wooden spoon until all the egg becomes coarse crumbs.
- Chop the onion into tiny rings.
- When the rice is ready, transfer to a bowl, add the egg and 90% of the chopped green onions.
- Mix well - and sprinkle over the remaining onion left over for decoration.
- There you have it! Who said good food is hard to find? Enjoy!