“Sambusak” pizza is a true “sambusak” classic - tasty and good. Great pizza sauce, melted cheese inside - all wrapped in a soft dough – super-delicious. Come one, let’s get to work!
Servings: 20 סמבוסקים
For the Dough!
- 2 1/4 Cups Flour
- 1 Cup Warm Water
- 1/2 Tablespoon - approx 0.25 oz Dry yeast
- 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
- 2 Teaspoons Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
For the Filling!
- recipe link to follow Pizza Sauce
- 3.5 oz - grated Yellow Cheese
- 3.5 oz - grated Mozzarella
- Chopped Optional Olives
- 1 Optional Hot Pepper
Making the "Sambusak"
- 1 Egg
- Generously Sesame
Let's start with the dough!
- Put the water in a bowl - Add the yeast and mix with a spoon.
- Add the baking powder and sugar and stir.
- Let the mixture stand for 2-3 minutes to get started and add a cup of flour and mix.
- Add the remaining flour and salt and begin kneading by hand.
- Continue until we get a stable and flexible dough. If too dry - add a splash of water. If wet - add a touch of flour.
- When the dough is stabilizing - put in a bowl and cover with a towel.
- Leave to rise for two hours.
After 1 hour of rising we now begin to make the pizza sauce.
- Prepare the pizza sauce from this recipe - half the amount would be enough. (I'm not supposed to tell you - but even ketchup will do the work for those too lazy!...But the sauce is simply amazing and worth investing)
- Let the sauce cool.
The dough has risen, the sauce has cooled on to the "Sambusak"!
- Flour the surface and roll out the dough on it (not all at once - each time one-third or half) thickness of 2 mm.
- Cut into circles with (diameter 10 cm or so).
- Put some sauce on each circle and spread with back of spoon - and leave about 1cm margins without sauce.
- Sprinkle a little cheese and extras.
- Place each sambusak nicely organized in a tray lined with baking paper.
- Gill all the circles. If there is any leftover dough, make some more circles – continue until the meat filling has finished.
- After we finished preparing all the “Sambusak” - Place them in an oven (that is NOT on) and leave to rise for another 20 minutes.
- Take out the “Sambusak” and coat with egg and plenty of sesame seeds.
- Preheat the oven to 350 F.
- Put the “Sambusak” in the oven for 20 minutes - until browned.
- It's ready!
- Serve with a nice chopped or mixed green salad.....Enjoy!